15 October 2004

blogging again

So I thought I'd start blogging again. But not on xanga, I'd like to think what I had on xanga while it was like 5 posts or so is behind me. I've got a new odd life. Now in Omaha...who woulda thunk it, knowing me in elementary school that I'd end up back in Omaha. and my boss went to high school with my brother and sister. Life is a little odd sometimes. I like Omaha enough, I've been too busy to be lonely yet and lots of people have promised to visit. Hopefully I'll make friends soon though. The guys I work with are nice enough, I don't have too much in common with them, though. They are all in much different places in their lives than me, but hey maybe I'll do social things with them, who knows. But I'm not particularly into sports or poker and that's two of the big things they do together. Oh well. I'm just about all moved into my apartment, I just need to get a desk. I'm being incredibly picky about getting a desk though. I just cant find any that are cheap enough that I like. I don't want to spend a few hundred dollars on a freaken desk. Boo. I'll probably buy a desk this weekend though. I really need to get my hair cut and get new shampoo, my hair is so gross. Sorry random thought.

All in all I'm a happy kid right now, glad to finally be on my own, finally be in the "real world" I don't think it's hit me though that this isn't a temporary thing, I'm here indefinitely that's such and exciting and scary thought.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, am I going to have to get a blogger account so I can post comments that aren't anonymous? I forgot about this until today because I was busy it when you sent it yesterday. Then I went to your Xanga and went oh yeah! You should send Claire the link too.

Becky (of course)