05 April 2005


So I went grocery shopping and needed to buy bread, I had a coupon because it came with the last loaf of bread I bought. But when I was in the store I looked and the coupon had expired. No big deal I ended up buying a different kind of bread anyway. My dad would be all disappointed because he is coupon king, seriously the man brings a bag of coupons with him into grocery stores and a folder full of coupons for restaurants, going anywhere is an ordeal with him. I have a special father. Anyway....I go to check out and somehow the coupon got stuck to some food or something because the next thing I notice the checker is scanning my coupon. Yeah the coupon actually worked I thought the bar code had something to check if you actually purchased whatever the coupon was for. No no apparently all the barcode has on it is the discount and if you have a stupid high school boy scanning your things even if the coupon expired and you didn't buy what it was for you get the discount. Score one for me :)

Church...I thought I had picked a church but Sunday the minister seriously felt the need to lecture the congregation on how much it is not involved and such. On one hand I sympathized for the man, I have witnessed my dad struggle with such things. But on the other hand really he just went off and church ended up going like an hour an a half. I really don't have that long of an attention span, I'm not sure if he chose the correct time to give his lecture and I'm not sure if I want to become a member of a church that's like that. Oh well. I'm amazed that I even want to go to church. Neither my brother nor my sister go to church regularly. Growing up I would take any excuse possible to miss church. I really really didn't like church, in my mind church was boring and caused a lot of grief in my life. And I still have issues with it, I hate all the politics involved and I don't necessarily agree with everything it stands for. But something keeps drawing me back to church. Maybe it's the familiarity of it, I pretty much grew up in church, literally. Who knows. I doubt I'll ever fully understand myself, but what'd be the fun in that?

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