04 December 2004

Shorts in December?

Let's see what'd I do this week? It was a rather uneventful week at work. My team is really slow right now and since I don't know how to do much I'm stuck without things to do sometimes. So one day I actually folded shirts. Everyone in my department was given shirts to promote this new thing one of the groups developed and we are going to be forced to use. So in the big presentation to the big shots of the company they gave them shirts and of course they wanted to give them nicely folded shirts.....yeah to me having nothing better to do than fold shirts. I ended the week pretty productive though, I've been working on reports to show how a program some people developed call MO is being used and how effective it is. I had a meeting with the person that wants the reports and now have lots more to add. But it looks good so far, I want to impress.

Tuesday I went to see Napoleon Dynamite with a couple guys from work. It finally made it to the cheap seats in Omaha so we went. I recommend it, it's a funny movie, it's sad when you can imagine your friends doing some of the things in the movie but eh...I already knew I had special friends.

Wednesday maybe it was Thursday... I got a call from Chris! I hadnt talked to him in a long time. Good times good times. It makes my day to hear from people out of the blue.

Friday night I went to the company Christmas party. Seriously feels odd to be thinking about Christmas already, but I guess that's what I say every year. It was a big debate with myself if I'd go or not. Everyone I talked to told me to go, so I went. But I left it up to the very last minute to decide. I got to the place and got a call from my boss asking if I was going. So very odd, I was like I'm here....so he made sure I sat with him and the other guys from my team. It was nice, but odd. I was the only one there that hadnt grown up in or around Omaha. There were multiple people at the table that knew eachother from high school or went to the same high school. Also 6 of the 9 people at the table all go to the same church. Odd.....did I mention I work with conservative (in all aspects of their lives) people. My boss's wife was making fun of a gay guy that was walking around, I'm used to being with slightly more liberal people. It's not bad, I just know what not to talk about with these people (politics, religion...)

Oh this week I'm on call, it's my first time ever all it really means is a carry around a pager and make sure emails come through when they are suppose to and don't say they have errors, if something goes wrong I get to call someone because I cant do much else.

Jason was breakfast skipper Friday at work meaning he brings the doughnuts. But he went to Hyvee and they were already out so he went to the resaurant part of the grocery store and asked if they catered for small groups with no notice. Hell yeah we had pancakes, sausage, hash browns, and scrambled eggs. That's a tiny step up from doughnuts. It's the little things in life that excite the logistics analysts at Werner Enterprises everyone.

Today I went running with Kristy and Amber (another girl that just moved here...actually she just moved back, she went to college here) I was actually early and watched people running around my car while I was waited, it was so warm people were wearing shorts. Seriously it's December. I had a Christmas party last night. We were running on a trail that Amber knew from when she was in college. But don't let that make you think we didnt get lost....Kristy and I were there. Hell yeah we got bored and didnt want to go the same way back so we ended up trying to take a trail that looked like it was parallel to the way we went orignally. Um we ended up running down the median on a really busy street (72nd Michelle) Yeah we are special. But hey an hour and a half later we made it back to our cars. At least it was a nice day to be outside for long amounts of time.

Ok this is rambly enough. Night all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you surprised that the people are conservative? I mean, you're in Nebraska dear, there were some pretty good odds.
