23 May 2005


I'm loving the spring. I've had company, friends and family with more to come. It's always fun to have people visit. I wish it'd be slightly more spread out but I'm not complaining. It's been a good time. Running has been fun, it's always funny how many more people start exercising when the weather gets nice, really they should exercise when it's gross out so that they look good when it comes time to wear summery clothes but whatever. That's just my humble opinion. It's nice to see more people on the trails and sidewalks but it gets crowded too, I don't think I'll ever be happy. Oh! My boss fell this weekend. Much to my delight and he told me about it, he said it made him think of me.yeah I'm pathetic people think of me when they fall. So this morning when we were getting water and the boys asked if I ran/fell this weekend like they always do I informed all of them of my boss's fall. He was rollerblading not running but still, this is his second time falling. The last time he blamed a dog but this time yeah it's all his fault. I'm not the only one! :) Really shouldn't make me happy but it does so maybe that says something about me, oh well.

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