21 January 2006

100 Things About little ole me

1. I've never lived anywhere more than 5 years
2. I've lived in 6 states
3. 11 towns
4. I went to 7 schools k-12
5. I was asked today if I was in high school or college
6. I've been out of college for 2 years
7. While I am young for my grade I was not the youngest girl on my floor freshman year of college by 3 months
8. My birthday is September 10th
9. Sometimes that is grandparents day
10. I only met 2 of my grandparents
11. The 2 I'm told I would have liked I never met
12. I say I am a youngest child and an only
13. My brother and sister are 11 and 13 years older than me
14. I only drink carbonation when drinking alcohol
15. The last time I had a pop (or soda or whatever you call it) while sober was my senior year of high school
16. I rarely wear nail polish
17. I once had a pedicure, if I were less cheap I'd probably have more
18. I am not a fan of spending money
19. I rarely wear makeup, more now than ever before, though
20. There are only 3 states I've never been to (Alaska, Hawaii, and Florida)
21. The only country I've been to besides America is Canada
22. I almost went to Japan one summer in high school
23. I've been running competitively since I was 14
24. I was afraid of running cross country until my senior year of high school
25. In college it was my favorite sport
26. I didn't own a car until I was 21
27. I didn't really want one before that
28. I am hopelessly addicted to peanut butter
29. I still keep in touch with my best friend from elementary school, I moved away from that town when I was 10
30. I love camp
31. I have either been a camper, volunteered at camp, or worked in every position possible for 11 summers
32. Last summer was my first summer in recent memory not to be involved with camp, I was not a fan of last summer
33. I used to hate beer, now I have beer I actually like
34. I drank strange combinations in college
35. I find excuses to not clean
36. I like to cook, not for my lonesome though
37. I took piano lessons before I owned a piano
38. I took violin lessons in 4th and 5th grades, I wanted to play longer but the next time I had an opportunity wasn't until 9th grade
39. I learned to cross country ski my senior year of high school and good a varsity letter for it
40. I love that I have running partners
41. Sometimes I have to force myself to run, I'm always glad I did
42. My brother and sister both ran in high school
43. I'm the only one that kept it up all 4 years and continued in college
44. I wasn't planning on running past high school
45. Strawberries used to be my favorite fruit
46. I still love strawberries, but bananas are my favorite now (especially with peanut butter :))
47. I lived off pasta in college
48. I love going to local places even if it costs a little more
49. I once ate a 2 lb burger
50. All in one sitting
51. I've been told I'm skinny and accused of being anorexic throughout my life...I'm not
52. I love finding bargains
53. I can't imagine life without google
54. My parents and I went on a 2 week long marathon college visit tour visiting 13 campuses between Nebraska and Maine
55. I didn't want to visit Ripon, but ended up loving the school
56. Legos are cool
57. I like strategy games
58. I don't like it when people younger than me get married or have kids, they are just kids
59. The last time my family all lived together was in 1988
60. In 2004 we were all within an hour and a half of each other, until I moved 7 hours away
61. I'm glad I've had a chance to live completely on my own, away from everyone I knew
62. My mom was more nervous about me moving out on my own after graduating from college than she was when I was a 17 year old going to college several states away
63. Sometimes my mom doesn't make sense to me
64. I love my family
65. I have gotten closer to my sister since moving away from her
66. Oh the power of cell phones
67. When I was little the only seafood I would eat was shrimp
68. While I still like shrimp I would always choose another type of seafood over shrimp
69. I love mushrooms, yay fungus!
70. I was born with my foot broken
71. My first tooth came in with a cavity
72. While alive I have never broken a bone
73. I cried when my dog died when I was 15
74. I brought of picture of my dying dog to show and tell in second grade, my sister told me that was morbid, it was how I coped
75. I fall often
76. My brother, sister and I were all born in state capitals
77. I was born in Springfield, IL
78. I don't watch very much tv
79. I do watch Gilmore Girls most of the time, however
80. It doesn't bother me if I miss an episode
81. I only own 2 dvds, most movies I don't care to see multiple times
82. I hate making decisions
83. Until I am comfortable in a situation I am pretty quiet and people tend to think I'm shy
84. Once I'm comfortable, however, it's a different story
85. I like to be silly
86. Once I put my mind to something I see it through to the end
87. I am stubborn
88. I had my ears pierced twice, both times I had to let them close up
89. I hate dancing
90. Unless I'm very hyper
91. I'm allergic to milk, I love dairy products anyway
92. I used to be a pack rat
93. I quickly realized that's silly for a person moves so often
94. I love candy
95. If I don't run for a long period of time, I suggest avoiding me
96. I love going back to places I've lived and seeing how they have changed
97. I want to retire in Wyoming
98. That might change between now and retirement
99. I'm pretty random
100. I have a bell collection

1 comment:

Ben said...

I think #s 99 and 100 sum things up pretty well. :)