17 April 2006


Nope I'm not talking about creepy little bugs (although I did see some rather spine tingling creatures at the zoo this weekend) I'm talking about creepy older men. For the most part I encounter decent people in my every day life. A couple old men I met last summer at my apartment complex do not fit in this category. One has two teenage sons, is divorced, was in the Navy, and from what I can gather just sits around all day trying to pick up younger women. He's so pathetic I almost feel sorry for him. (I'm just not that nice) Every time I run into him I get invited out to dinner or drinks or something. Sadly, I never take him up on such offers.

Another guy I don't encounter quite as often just stopped me as I was walking back to my apartment from lifting weights. This guy lives in an apartment on my way to the gym and always has his blinds open. He was saying how he never sees me blah blah. "and it's sad because I enjoy watching you walk past my apartment" Gah creepy old man. What possesses people to open their mouths?

Makes me want to walk the long way to the gym.


Anonymous said...

Hi Alice!!

Remember this one time you walked with me at graduation so I didn't have to walk with one of the special-ed kids? Man, that was some good times. I didn't know this was your blog, but now I plan to cyber-stalk you and read it all the time, just so you know. :)
This is Bernnie, by the way. how are you?

The silly girl said...

Oh Bernnie how can I forget walking with you? And signing up so late we got to sit by the pregnant girls.