07 May 2006

Half Marathon

I ran my second Lincoln National Guard Half Marathon today. Sometimes things aren't quite as fun the second time around for me because I miss the excitement of the unknown of new things. Today was, however, a good time. I wasn't sure how I'd run this year because I've been sore and I haven't been training as fast. I ran a better race this time around, however. I think I was more even..I am bad at remembering splits and I don't have a garmin and hearing times that are off my by like 20 seconds just confuses me. I was dead tired at the end again and decided I really am in no shape to do a marathon 26 miles is so intimidating.

Anyway fun things I saw/heard today
  • I watched an 11 year old run his second marathon...if he kept up his pace for the second half he did pretty well.
  • I saw a girl be proposed to at the finish line of the half.
  • I saw 2 men run barefoot marathons
  • I ran with a man I know who forgot his shoes at home and ran in socks!
  • I heard a man talking about ultra races he has run. He almost ran in a 24 hour race last weekend but no one would drive him to the race. Yet he was worried what the surface would do to his legs. Seriously you put tons of miles on your legs I think you can handle 26 miles on a road.
  • I heard many people yell "go girl(s)" at me and other girls near me. Made me laugh, I was always around men when this happened. I guess people don't care about the guys.
  • I saw the man that wears a tux to hand out water.
  • I saw unfortunate cars that were stuck at intersections for a very long time.
  • I saw some creative messages written on the ground.
  • I saw people do push ups after finishing running.
A guy stopped me after I got my finishers medal to take a picture, I'm sure I look great drinking red gatorade completely exhausted. At least that's better than a picture during the race... Why must people insist on taking pictures of runners?


Anonymous said...

I forgot what I was going to say...

oh yeah, how did he forget his shoes? what did he have on his feet to get there?

The silly girl said...

Yes Becky he forgot his shoes. I was paranoid I'd forget mine as well. I generally only wear running shoes when running. He wore crocs or whatever those shoes are on the way to the race.

Anonymous said...

you failed to mention that your performance was good enough to win you 4 legs!

E-Speed said...

They take the pics because most of us runners are vainer than you ;)

Glad you had fun at the race!

You could totally train for a full if you wanted. But a half is an incredible accomplishment. Most people will never even run a 5k!

Great job!