05 February 2007

I'm back...

running again of course! It's wonderful to be able to run without worrying about how my knee is going to feel later. I'd say I'm 90% healthy, which is pretty healthy considering it's winter and how horribly I felt just a couple months ago.

Of course my body decides it has healed at the coldest time of the year. The time of year where it takes 10 minutes just to put on the layers on, including insulated tights, warm socks, 1 or 2 layers of gloves, thermal shirts, a jacket (a bright yellow one with a red light even..I am the biggest running nerd thanks to my mom), and two ear bands (one for my ears, one for my mouth.....I look hot). Don't worry about me, I'm not going to freeze out there.

I have seen people that are freezing. Like the couple playing with their dogs in the park (seriously people don't you realize it's negative wind chills?) Or the people playing disk golf... I know it's possible to get a work out playing disk golf, but really these people were standing in the too-cold-for-a-sane-person-to-be-outside temperatures in snow watching each other throw Frisbees. Seriously people, you are crazy.

Speaking of crazy I'm thinking people see me running down the road complete with my red flashing light on my super cool jacket (yep my mom worries about me) and feel sorry for me. People in their cars wave me across the street when they have green arrows. Seriously besides the stupid lady that didn't feel the need to um look at the road or stop at the STOP sign I have encountered nothing but super courteous drivers this winter. My theory is they don't want to be the reason I caught hypothermia so they help me get on my way faster. Purely selfish reasons, you know? Could drivers please find selfish reasons to treat me like this year round?

1 comment:

Tom said...

Silly Girl,
It isn't rare for disc golfers to play year round. While most don't do it the pro's will assure you it is necessary. Clubs around the nation even hold organized tournaments called "Ice Bowls". http://www.icebowl2007.com/
I'm starting to think disc golfers suffer from some of the same mental issues that are common among runners. :-(