13 March 2007


Sunday I set out for an 11 mile run. The weather was beautiful, 50s maybe? not much wind...so perfect for a run. I ended up running a couple extra miles because I'm a little crazy but whatever. I was a little surprised I didn't see many other runners out. During my um 2ish hours out, mostly on a trail, I saw maybe 3 runners. I guess I really don't live in a running city. I did see lots of people walking and more biking. Not really a surprise a suppose. The only surprise came shortly after I had turned south to head home. I saw a lady out with her two dogs. The lady was on a BIKE! and yes, the dogs were on leashes. Seriously, Darwin award anyone? It's hard enough to run with dogs on a leash, dogs don't want to go at a steady pace forward, they want to stop and smell for places to mark their territory, sprint towards other dogs, circle around, just be dogs. The lady seemed to be doing pretty well keeping the dogs going and herself upright on the bike, but really I wouldn't be surprised if she fell or lost hold of the leashes before making it to her destination.

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